May 30, 2024

My first AI public art project: Limericks on demand

What I cooked up for the 10th anniversary party of a beloved DC creative agency

Last night, I launched a new first: my first-ever public AI art project.

Earlier this month, I got a call from Joel Daly at Artemis Ward, an awesome DC-based creative agency with clients like Nike and National Geographic.

They were throwing a party to celebrate their 10th year in business, and Joel wanted to know: Could I make an AI-powered on-site exhibit, and could I do it in two weeks?

I'm Andrew McGill, a product builder who turns delightful ideas into real things.

I used to make stuff at The Atlantic and POLITICO. Now I build things with people like you.

He must know me well — I can't say no to a challenge like that!

The project

“The Ten Fête” wasn’t just a celebration of Artemis Ward’s accomplishments — it was a launch party for the next decade.

So I built something that paid homage to both:

  1. Partygoers were asked to text a phone number with one word describing Artemis Ward. (”Iconic,” “Innovative,” “Slaytastic” were all submissions.)
  2. I used a LLM to write a limerick about Artemis Ward using the word and bunch of background information about the agency.
  3. The user then got the Instagram-ready share card texted back to them…
A phone showing a text message exchange between the bot and the user.
  1. …and their limerick popped up on the on-site display. (Sorry for the crappy video, I waited WAY too late into the evening to record.)

What I learned

  1. You can accomplish a lot in 2 weeks!
  2. As always, you must be ruthless about scope — even when it means some of your favorite ideas end up on the cutting room floor.
  3. People LOVE customized content — I watch people submit again and again just to get new limericks.

Nerd corner

I’ll be brief, but here was the technical stack making this happen:

  • The backend was written in Node.js and run as a series of AWS Lambdas, managed by the Serverless library;
  • OpenAI’s GPT-4o handled the limerick creation (and also suggested the background gradient);
  • All data was stored in AWS DynamoDB and exposed as a series of APIs;
  • The cards were created using Puppeteer, also hosted on Lambda (I’ll tell you about THAT headache over a beer);
  • The on-site display was a NextJS website hosted on Vercel, screenshared from Joel’s laptop to a vertical TV (with wifi supplied by Joel’s iPhone 😬)

In conclusion

This was a ton of fun to make, and I’m grateful to Joel and his partner Colin Moffett for trusting me.

Congratulations to Artemis Ward — here’s to another great 10 years 🥂

Limerick reading: With gratitude, cheers to year ten/Artemis Ward, once again/With stories so grand,/and designs that expand,/The next decade's a creative zen.
Whatever you’re looking to build,
I’d love to chat. Drop me a line.